Co-Own affordability calculator
Before we can buy a place together, we need to work out how much you can afford based on your income and outgoings.
The decision that the calculator gives you is a guide only, and not the full application assessment that takes place. This means that the decision this calculator gives you and our final decision may vary.
It is important to remember that this calculator is not linked to a lender’s affordability assessment and does not guarantee that you will be able to get a mortgage. Most customers fund their share of the house purchase with a mortgage, we recommend that you check you can get a mortgage before you apply to Co-Ownership.
Please choose your application type
From the information you have shared it seems that you may not need Co-Ownership’s support to buy a home.
We recommend speaking to a mortgage adviser or lender, who can help you review your finances and explore all the options available to you.
If you already have part of your deposit but it’s not enough, and saving a full deposit within a reasonable timeframe is challenging, we may still be able to assist you. Please keep in mind these figures are only a guide, and all applications will be fully assessed.
If you would find it helpful, you can call us on 028 9032 7276, or make an appointment with one of our customer advisers.
Based on the information you provided, home ownership does not seem affordable for you at this moment. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to be able to assist you at present.
What are my options?
We recommend speaking to a mortgage adviser or lender who can help you review your finances and prepare for home ownership. Once you are in a better position to buy a home, we encourage you to get back in touch.
You might find our budget planner helpful for tracking your monthly expenses and understanding your remaining budget. Our Steps to Buy website provides useful information on housing options and how to get started.
If you are unsure why you received this response or would like to discuss your situation in more detail, please call one of our customer advisers on 028 9032 7276.
Based on the information you provided, home ownership does not seem affordable for you at this moment. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to be able to assist you at present.
What are my options?
We recommend speaking to a mortgage adviser or lender who can help you review your finances and prepare for home ownership. Once you are in a better position to buy a home, we encourage you to get back in touch.
You might find our budget planner helpful for tracking your monthly expenses and understanding your remaining budget. Our Steps to Buy website provides useful information on housing options and how to get started.
If you are unsure why you received this response or would like to discuss your situation in more detail, please call one of our customer advisers on 028 9032 7276.
Based on the information you provided, home ownership does not seem affordable for you at this moment. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to be able to assist you at present.
What are my options?
We recommend speaking to a mortgage adviser or lender who can help you review your finances and prepare for home ownership. Once you are in a better position to buy a home, we encourage you to get back in touch.
You might find our budget planner helpful for tracking your monthly expenses and understanding your remaining budget. Our Steps to Buy website provides useful information on housing options and how to get started.
If you are unsure why you received this response or would like to discuss your situation in more detail, please call one of our customer advisers on 028 9032 7276.
Based on what you have told us we may be able to help you purchase a property up to the value of £195,000.
If you can save for a deposit, it’s a good idea to talk to a mortgage adviser or lender before applying to Co-Ownership. They can help you figure out if you can buy a home without our help.
You can also call us on 028 9032 7276 or make an appointment with one of our customer advisers to talk about your personal circumstances.
Please keep in mind these figures are only a guide, and all applications will need a full Co-Ownership assessment. This guide is not linked to the checks a lender does to see if you can afford a mortgage. We suggest consulting with a mortgage adviser or lender before applying to Co-Own to make sure you can get a mortgage.
Based on what you have told us we may be able to help you purchase a property up to the value of
This calculator is a tool if you’re thinking about buying a home through Co-Own. Please keep in mind these figures are only a guide, and all applications will need a full Co-Ownership assessment.
We recommend that you speak to a mortgage adviser or lender before applying to Co-Own to ensure that this is the right option for you and that you can obtain a mortgage. This calculator is not connected to a lender’s affordability assessment.
Find out more about applying to Co-Ownership here.
You can also call us on 028 9032 7276, or make an appointment with one of our customer advisers to find out more about applying to Co-Own.