
We welcome you to tender for any opportunity to provide goods or services to Co-Ownership. Detailed information on our tender process can be found here.

  • T1044 – Public Affairs

    Closing Date:

    Co-Ownership wishes to appoint a Public Affairs agency to help us engage with a range of stakeholders to help explain our purpose, vision and values and to make a case for shared...

  • T1043 – Consultancy – ICT Review

    Closing Date:

    Co-Ownership wishes to engage the service of a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy firm to review the current ICT infrastructure and to make recommendations about future requirements. Tender documents can be obtained...

  • T1042 – Office Cleaning Services

    Closing Date:

    Co-Ownership is seeking to establish a contract for the delivery of a cleaning service at Moneda House, 25-27 Wellington Place, Belfast, and to appoint an experienced contractor who will be responsible for...
